Danube Dialogues and Collective Healing

2020 Trianon/Versailles Treaties or Dictates impact on Hungary
see the story in pictures here. 

2020:  AGA 30-TRIANON 100


June 5th: WorldGoodwill Meditation for Healing our Collective Woundslogo-wgw




We continue with our Healing into Wholeness program in Hungary by organizing an ONLINE HEALIN DIALOGUE with friends and others to dive deep in our felt understanding of the so called dark communist period in personal and collective inquiry through sharing family and or personal experiencing, recognizing our mindsets conditioned in childhood, and seeing and connecting the dots of a systemic unfoldment of the “unintegrated past”…



June 2nd – As part of Spaces for Transformation – SoL European Learning Journey, inc. an important Day event on Healing History- Journeying in the 20th century with a special focus on the aftermath of WWI. in Europe.

July 11-14th, Co_Creating Europe,a Collaborative process initiated in Frankfurt, 2018 and continued in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2019, and followed up with several initiatives all through the continent from Turkey to UK and Ireland…our contribution is the themes of wisdomweaving and collective healing.

October 23rd – Co-Constellating for Collective Healing from  historic traumas, Budapest

Events in and around, along the Danube Flow

October 23rd
Danube Revival, Dialogic Design for Danube Academy

July 10-15
Co-Creation Europe,
A European initiative being hosted off Plovdiv, Bulgaria, the cultural capital of Europe, 2019.  www.co-creation-europe.eu

May 24-June 2, Hungary, Budapest
In cooperation with Szt Andras chateau and SoL Hungary-Global SoL, we will be offering a series of workshops to co-create Spaces for Transformation. 
A more detailed program and invitations and registration links are available at www.solhungary.hu 

April, Bulgaria, Plovdiv
It is a week-end Health Festival in Plovdiv, April. 2019, at Easter,
which has been going on for 10 years and being offered to the public free of charge in 18 Bulgarian cities.

Agota Eva Ruzsa was invited to offer one of the key note talks on the Gifts of the Spirit and also offer a workshop on Mindful Co-Creation in peer support with core practices of CoCounselling that we will start in 2019. autumn.

Presentation link. 



HEALING into WHOLENESS continued...
The Hungarian wisdomweavers group is offering some core events in the year a 100 yrs after WW I.

2019. Budapest and St Andras chateau

May 25-June 4th
Spaces for Transformation
May 25-26th Art and Architectures and Cafe Conversations
May 29-June 1st Business and Society- a Global SoL Event
June 2nd Healing history: The Shadows of Europe. Healing walk and co-constellation

Meditation to the Soul Of Hungary January-May
Evoking Soul & Spirit of Peace & Understandinglogo-wgw
This event is dedicated to Hungarian citizens as we are moving into our Spring Election and we would like to contribute to it by setting an intentional tone for all “miriads” to cultivate mindful presence and actions in the process for the benefit of the WHOLE.


May 29th                                                                           dunakanyar-800x600
Visit to the “Heart Chakra” in the Danube bend

May 30th
Let us Talk beyond our Polarities!
A Cafe dialogue held in Werk Academy

May 31st Constellating for the Soul of Hungary 
Healing Walks & Constellation in the Heart of Budapest
Read a thorough account on the event here.

June 4th. – Trianon: Healing dialogues for the Collective National Trauma


September – October – November – December
Beyond our Polarities,
Country wide dialogues in Hungarian held monthly from 2018 Autumn to 2020 June,

Facilitated by Agota Ruzsa and her international colleagues and SoL facilitators

Nowdays there is so much talk about the fragmentation in Europe (and elsewhere!).
We definitely can see the results of the polarisation in and among people, friends and social groups as well as parties. But we also see the polarization of Eastern and Western Europe and the nations in between.

How can we lift the shadows of our past?
How can we see new ways out of this heavy inheritance?
What can we do to move forward based on new understanding and appreciation of our uniqness in the midst of the chaos many of us are experiencing?
What inspiration and innovation can we invoke while we prepare ourselves for collective actions enhance by our collective intelligence?
How can we move beyond the major divisions  in Europe so much present since the Ottoman invasions, reinforced by the Peace Treaties of WWI. in the East of Europe?
How to cultivate resilience based on mindful awareness intertwined with deep compassion for the times to come?

Watch out for upcoming new details here.




Short Harvesting of Healing into Wholeness

Healing Journey in the Heart of Europe
The Shadows we live with

Our Healing Journey for me started on
4th September when I, while waiting for our our guest facilitator, Anngwyn St Just went to an evening concert of Zsuzsa Koncz in the Neologue Synagogue of Budapest,
followed up on the 5th September by a visit to Gul Baba Turbe and connecting

Anngwyn with Cordelia0027_intro01 foundation working with collective trauma and refugees.




On the 6th we had a successful workshop Illness as Trauma with ca. 30 people, most of whom are cancer patients. The hosting organisation is a unique Healing center of Firebird Foundation, Budapest.

Afterwards we had an evening dialogue with a few trauma specialists and also Judit Harangozó of Ébredések – Awakenings Foundation as well as Zsuzsa Tar from Cordelia Foundation.
We are hoping to enhance cooperation among these organisations in the future to work with traumas and difficult situations.

7th September up to Mohács with Agota Ruzsa, project leader from HU, Anngwyn from the US, a Croatian, Marija Luna and a Serbian, Ivana Markovic  who came to be with us from Budapest onwards were with us. A short film: 

8th September
From Mohacs up to Visoko and Sarajevo where we had 2 constellations. One dedicated to the energies Pyramids and the other to the pain in Sarajevo.


9th Sept
We continued to Belgrade where a large group met again Illness as Trauma
10th Belgrade: Workshop with A.St Just and 40 participants interested  and the venue – by “ coincidence” was in the Jewish Center and on Monday – completing the cycle – we are having our City Healing story telling and co-constellation of the history of Turkish and recent battles.


11th Belgrade, Healing walk and City Constellation at the merging of rivers Száva and Duna.

The circle is closed AND opening also to our next HJ in 2018.


The circle is closed AND I am ready to open our next HJ in 2018. The core theme is the Femine Face of Divinity in CEE.

September-Our Collective Wounds European Healing Journey

An exceptional opportunity for anyone interested in trauma healing, professionals and non-professionals….
Anngwyn St Just is in Budapest the 3rd time – only for a full day on the 6th September and will be offering a key seminar on Healing Traumas-Illness as Trauma, a day workshop with Hellinger kind of systemic constellation combined with her deep knowledge about body awareness as she also works with Peter Levine…
In the evening we are organizing an evening talk and workshop on Illness and Traumas, Individual and Collective interconnectedness. For professionals and all who are interested…
0027_intro01.jpg  September 5th 5 pm
Healing our Memories of the Ottoman Invasion, 1526-1541 until 1686. More on the meeting place.
Meeting place: Gül Baba türbe,
September 6th – Workshop from 10 am -5pm, Tűzmadár Foundation
– Frofessional dialogue on working with Traumas, Tűzmadár foundation
A recent dialogue with her made in Budapest in June 2017., you tube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxjDiVWpTmygJ31N-mXMI-e-h11QTZM-f

III. Történelmi sebeink gyógyítása: Megbékélés és Teremtő Jóakarat Healing into Wholeness

Történelmi sebeink gyógyítása: Kiengesztelődés, Megbékélés és Teremtő Jóakarat

Az elmúlt 500 évben, gyakorlatilag Mátyás halála utáni időszaktól kezdve Európa kézzelfogható valósága megváltozott. Nyugat-Európa hatását, mint hódító kiterjesztette – mostanra – szinte az egész Földgolyónkra.
Kelet-Közép-Európa pedig mindeközben számos helyi küzdelemben, harcban és torzsalkodásban egyre inkább elveszetette erejét és bemerevítette identitását…

Nem érdemes MOST és ITT a történelmi tárgyszerűség kérdéskörébe lépni, DE annál inkább érdemes a közös és mindannyiunkat mélyen érintő JELENBEN elmélyülni, annak közös szálait kibogozni, újraszőni és egyben olyan nyitott teret tartani, amelyben ez az új szövedék egy új kezdet alapjává válhat, amely által együttműködő énünk felébredhet és egy közös Európa vízióját közelebb hozhatjuk.
Gyógyító, mély és térteremtő dialógusaink, rendszerállításaink oldásában találkozunk számos program keretében. A szervezetek-emberek és rendszerek összhangjátkeresve kiegyenlítődést és integrált egészet alkotunk tudatos jelenlétünkben kitáruló BESZÉLGETÉSEK  és RENDSZERÁLLÍTÁSOK, MEDITÁCIÓK ÉS JÜAKARAT SÉTÁK társas teremtő tereiben. Társ-addá válok és így együtt és közösen egymásnak társaivá válva sokszínűségünkben is összehangra lelve megfrissült társad-alom alkotó részvevőiként lépünk tovább.

Most, mikor oly sokan tudni vélik, hogy mi a helyes, merre van az arra, mikor szónokok kiállnak a kereső, vagy épp csalódott, az önhitt és magabiztos, vagy épp kiábrándult társak elé, ekkor van itt az idő, hogy csendet, belső csendet közösen megragadva, eddigi bizonyosságainkat elengedve vagy felfüggesztve kinyissuk magunkat új inspirációban egy összehangolt teret teremtve.

Erről szól a térteremtő dialógus, melyet értő és szakértő facilitátorok, csoportterapeuták és történet mesélől, útkeresők közös részvételével tartunk.

Ha kicsit is megszólítva érzed magad, gyere közénk, töltsd velünk annyi időt, amennyit csak tudsz június 5. és 15. között.
Részletes programot napokra lebontva itt találsz az alpontokban, fülekre kattintva.

Healing into wholeness, 2017, June and September
Special guest: ANNGWYN ST JUST



Healing into Wholeness-Heart Dialoguestrianon_elott_es_most_terkep_82318_868836_n
Reconciliation and Collective Goodwill

An AGA program
since 2014

June 5-15th 


September 5-11thScreen Shot 2017-03-25 at 00.12.54
A HEALING JOURNEY: Budapest-Bosnia-Belgrade
Embracing The Carpathians: Weaving Dialogues-Healing Collective Traumas


This is the 3rd year we are are offering this event with extended scope and demand. The home organisation is Ariadne Gaia and its wisdomweavers project.
ONE WEEK in the HEART OF EUROPE, working with Anngwyn St.Just, USA and local Facilitators, Agota Eva Ruzsa, project developer, in Hungary, Ivana Markovic, Bosnia and Serbia.


2016-Healing into Wholeness: Healing walks and sites and seminars

The end of October, the time for remembering the diceased, uniting with spirits and uplifting patterns that hold us back. This time is the commemoration of our co-founder, or rather his spirit, Wictor Charon, a 20th century Hungarian philosopher and esoteric writer, who really has inspired many of us into understanding the process of death and dying and the events in history from a different perspective.
We also commemorated the 60th anniversary of the revolution in 1956, which was a major uprising against the status quo of the so called peace treaties of the WWI and WWII.

This year we invited Anngwyn St Just, an international system constellator who was an invited guest of the ISCA gathering in Zagreb. We came over together with a Canadian participant to Budapest and she, as our guest and co-facilitatator for the 2nd Healing Collective Trauma event in Budapest.
The 1st day was a start and tuning in by Healing Walks at historic sites followed by
a deep dialogue and sharing afterwards from participants and therapist who work with refugees, survivals applying therapy, constellations and cancer therapy in their work, while we also shot
the film – Sel-Image- made of a 2 year long 11 constellations about the state of the nation, facilitated by Annamaria Zseni. We deepened our personal experience with a two day contellation intensive to finish it with a walk in nature and a trip to the Pilis mountains and the Danube bend at healing sites for the region…

Photoes are here to accompany this Healing Pilgrimage right from Zagreb to Budapest and the Danube bend.

zagrabfrom Zagreb to img_0942

through a short pilgrimage


to Budapest in the night…


Day. 2.  was started by the Healing walks around a square which used to have names like

1817-től Cereal market
1837-től. Horse Market
1873-tól New market
1902-1946 Kalman Tisza square
1946-2011 People’s Republic square
2011-   Pope John Paul the 2nd square

We started off at a market place which just recently got renovated and until then it had been an old market still with the feeling of WW2nd flea market that used to be inhabited by lower middle class Jewish handlesmen,  now this area is mostly populated by gipsies and an upcoming juppie class…
We stopped by at a church of Sz Rita, the saint of impossible situations…


Last year the parish was open and the priest told us the “miraculous ” story of a church which was in its peak at the times of the dark communist period of the 50s…. One of our participant shared her stories related to the church and the priest who was very active in the 50-60s there…img_0991

Then we walked on to the hidden synagogue of Nagyfuvaros u. , wimg_0995hich was purchased in 1920 and since then it is without any stop a live synagogue with a long story to share,wp_20161027_002

from then on we passed the Roma cultural center that gave us home to our last year event..somnakaj_hidat_jelenthet

and slowly we walked by the Erkel Opera House, kind of Volksoper of Budapest, right next to the ex headquaters of the Nazi party in 1944-1945, and later of the Communist party and which witnessed awful linching and sad tortures in the 1956 revolution big_0011325754and a few years later the reformed Socialist party reoccupied it until just a few years ago,mszp_szekhaz_2_mp4_snapshot_00_14_2015_08_28_01_13_57 mszp_szekhaz_1_mp4_snapshot_25_01_2015_08_28_01_12_57

since then it has an unknown, some say Israeli property owner but as you can see the building says everything about the state of that time and period..here is a video of several parts still not showing its present state, img_0998

Messeges on the iron doors:

Order, order, order at last,
out with rubbish to rubbish heaps
let this country clean up the mess
and the dirt that is all around. ( Gyula Illyes)


Capitalism is a sinful structure as it is operated by such shameful values as:

– greed for power
– greed for the ego
– lust for pleasures. ( John Paul II.)


Tell me, how you can believe those who live in 5 rooms heated and warm? (Attila Jozsef)

Finally we stopped by a bookshelf and lecture room right next to this building where ghosts and yelling, shrieks and torture are still perceived by those who see and hear… this bookshop on the other hand is dedicated to the research, dissemination and space of knowledge that leads Hungarians back to their roots, pride and identity based on a non academic understanding of our origin and also on the trauma of the peace treaties in Trianon, after WWI which led to the loss of 2/3rd of our 1000 old country… still unhealed wound oozing into the collective consciousness of our peoples.wp_20161027_038


Our host for this walk was Ruzsa Ágota, the originator of this project in Hu.wp_20161027_021


Then we continued with the Dialogue conference and film in a building that used to hold a cabare-movie theatre in the early 1900s 1-apollo-filmszinhaz-egykor_huand

then a posh department store since 1926, with the very first escalator in the country3-corvin-kepeslap-30-40s

which lost its grandour in the war, bombed, but not so seriously wounded in the siege, yet due to the fact that it was in German property, as compensation it was handed over to the Russians, who owned it until 1952 when it was given to the Hungarian state… where the very first public television in 1954 was on show for people to watch programs. 14-tv-nezo-tomeg-56-szept-11-regiujsag_blog_hu-1
The building got seriously shelled and ruined in the Anti-Russian revolution in 1956…


not much was spent on upkeeping and renovation after the revolution so by the 60s the decision was to cover the building with aluminium…thus the inner walls of the grandious past are still behind this aluminium!!!
In the 60s when the escalator was reestablished it was N. Hruschov, the head of the Russian Communist Party who opened it, broadcasted to the whole country on TV. 19-corvin-kb-65-fortepan
Since the transition store has changed owners many times, but nobody really wanted to invest in it…20-corvin-ruha-es-fal-talalkozasa-2_bp_blogspot_com

The main owners are Chinese investors but not only their clothes are for sale, but the upper floor is used by clubs and bars and community spaces, such MÜSZI where we had our dialogue conference. 



The hosts of this event, and co.facilitators were Agota Ruzsa and Judit Szentirmai, AoH facilitators and trustees of the hosting organization, Ariadne Gaia Foundation.

The 3rd-4th days were dedicated to deepening our inner experience in a place where a smaller group could dive into inner birth (at a symbolic space of the home of Agnes Gereb, who has been the leader and freedom fighter of home birthing in Hungary in the past 30 years…)

510u-6jfqdl-_sx326_bo1204203200_Anngwyn St Just, img_0941our invited guest facilitator guided us through some deep inner work where some identified roots and archetypes for strengthening identity, connecting to the homeland, coming out more empowered and understanding for the next steps to take.. we also at times moved out of our personal stories and intertwined with history and wounds and secrets…

images-3We finished the program by visiting the countryside and healing regions off Budapest and relaxed in a restaurant, called Rosinante on Szentendre island…where we once in 2004 had the very last International Women Dialogue and left the cushion with the elephant t19423_1024here as a gift which you can spot on the sofa now. And in 2011 we had here the 2nd Duna Dialogue.

We also stopped in Szentendre, a small artistic town which was a Serb –  town founded by refugees who were fleeing from the Ottoman Turks from the 1400s up to the 1700s.szentendre022335-szentendrei-programok

It is really meaningful to have finished our Healing week here as according to our plans, in 2017 September we will continue this work of bringing peace in the Danube valley by having Anngwyn with us and from Budapest we sojourn to Belgrade, capital of Serbia through Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina….

Those who could accompany and join us in the whole pilgrimage of Healing collective wounds had a full range experience of personal stories, insights in family homes, walks and sharings of history long past and nearby, deep personal work, dialogue with like minded people and sharing and resting in healing places and sites.
The diverse threads could be woven into a wholeness of experience that may well manifest in personal tapestries of a new beginning…

No wonder we, Hungarians and some of our neighboring peoples still struggle with self esteem, identity, victim consciousness and a kind of myopic perspective… the root chakra energy of the nation is gravely weakened and the challenge for us now is to move on while we do heal the wounds of times as well, so that healthy and energized new perspectives can emerge in the embracing space of the Carpathians.

by Agota Ruzsa


Some reflections on the series of events:

“One of many lessons I learned on this trip is that if I simply trust your creative energy and don’t try to do anything, something wonderful emerges. That was true about the opera and sundry other matters, and it was true tonight. This journey has been a deep life event for me. I bow to you with respect and thank you, and Budapest, and Hungary, from my heart. My feeling body has been glowing with satisfaction from the moment I stepped into this magical space, and you have been my guide from start to finish. This world has been nourishing to me on many more levels than I can express.
The next time I greet you it will be as an old friend. Thank You!” Daniel, Kanada

“Angwynn St. Just rendszerállító a világ számos pontján dolgozott már nemzetállítással is, és kollektív traumák gyógyításával foglalkozik, pár napos műhelyfoglalkozás keretében dolgoztunk a kollektív traumák gyógyításával itthon, köszönjük Ruzsa Ágota, hogy elhoztad őt nekünk, s a műhelyfoglalkozáson, ahogy rákérdeztem, hogy milyennek érzékeli a kollektív energiateret itt Magyarországon, azt mondta, hogy Perura emlékezteti, nagyon ősi, archaikus, minden sík és szint egyszerre egyidejűleg jelen van, nagyon intenzív, érzelmileg nagyon erős, telített, még sok érdekes dolgot mondott, és országok közti összehasonlításokat is, amit érzékelt…” Hajnalka Sz.

And here is a lovely collection from our Healing walk which you can download here.  






October 27th. 2-9pm 
with Healing walkks, dialogues and a film on constellating the national destinity..

Venue: MÜSZI, Budapest, Blaha L. tér. 1. 

October 28-29. 10am-5pm

Workshop with Anngwyn St Just,
Venue: 1st district, Hunyadi J.u.9. gatebell: Gereb-Erdély

mobile: 0036302382725
A short song dedicated to 1956, and offered asa lead in song by the lyricts composer, Nora Nemethy, 


The heArt of Collective Healing – weaving the new societal tapestry of our resilient, healthy and renewable society for the benefit of all.
Individual, community and social healing from our traumas of the historical past. Intergenerational Healing by weaving wisdom from our emerging wisdom of the collective having healed the traumas of the past, cocreating space for the wisdom to emerge in healthy, compassionate action to be yielded and rooted.
Történelmi sebek-értelmetlen küzdelmek-fájdalmas elakadások önmagunkban, egymás között, személyes és népcsoportok, nemzetek és nemzetek között. 
A világ átalakulóban. Nem engedhetjük meg magunknak, hogy sérült lélekkel, fájdalmas szívvel lemaradjunk. Az átalakuló világ az összefogásra, együttműködésre és együttérzésre épülő kapcsolati hálóban találja meg önmagát. Ebben akarunk mi is részt venni.Földanya gyógyító hívása és régiónk, Kárpát-medencei érlelő tere ad nekünk lehetőséget, ha tudatos, értő és elkötelezett odafordulásban a múltat elengedjük és a jövőt beengedjük. 


Ez a munka folyamatos kibontakozásban alakul, változik a te közreműködésed által.



images (2) Wisdom and Peace. Monoszloeletfaimages (6)
They are inherent qualities of being human. All through eons of history and more specifically at times, when we actively practiced sacred awareness of our humanness, we often call soul in service of the core spirit that we are, then we did have access to the “pure source” which nourishes compassionate action in our societies.
Wisdom to cultivate this awareness is thus very important. The wisdom which tells us to move apply spirituality in a social fabric of partnership and diversity, equality, sisterhood and deep inner freedom to enhance democracy in all aspects of our sacred living. It all serve us to weave a renewed and/or new tapestry of core living in unified oneness, yet multiplied patterns for the generous social spaces that hold and host us all. All of us and not just for the few, are whom wisdom envelops and where knowledge grows into responsible, compassion nurtured actions in a world of great complexity.
After a long period of 4-5 thousand years it is time again to reweave our world with the power of feminine wisdom.
Babba Maria – Boldogasszony clothed in Sunshine (for some having its root in the Sumerian word, bau meaning cornucopia-thus ‘boldog’ is not only blessed with plenty but also Merry and blessed..) is the name for the Feminine Presence in the Carpathians. Still alive though a bit hidden, veiled in the Catholic Maria Cult and pilgrimage..
August 15 is her key Day in the calendar.. in 2017 we invite people from all over to weave our Traditions and New Insights in a societal tapestry of consciousness where life is held in thriving wellness.
It id a face2face, peer2peer, virtual and natural weaving in the realms of our consciousness where intellect meets intuition, words meet action in the generous heart&mind space of the European Center held by the protective, yet history wearied, innovation basin of the Carpathians.

WisdomWeavers 2017.
August 12-15-20.
where tradition and science and our emergent future meet,
where the center is to hold space for all in the manifested Uni-verse embraced and nurtured by the power of the feminine.